Thursday, December 29, 2011

VII - The Chariot

The Chariot

A woman, holding aloft a glowing wand, rides through a dark, foggy landscape that may or may not be treacherously dangerous. Pulling her and her chariot are two strong horses, representing great energy and power that she must control. They don't appear to be well trained, as they are not looking straight ahead but in different directions as if distracted by the ravens and shadowy shapes in the mist. The chariot driver is using all her focus and will to keep the chariot on track.

This card is about victory through mastery. In this situation, there are opposing and conflicting forces, perhaps very powerful ones, that must be made to work in harmony to achieve a common goal. These conflicting energies may be within yourself or external. Either way, it is up to you to harness that energy and guide it to success.

If reversed, this card warns you against two possible things. First, beware of letting other take control of you. Second, there is a danger of you running over everyone in your path in your haste to reach your goal. It might be wise to slow down and see what lies ahead before you go barreling down the road.

Use your intuition:

Is the chariot driver using reins or just her mind to control the horses?

What do the ravens represent here?

Where is the chariot driver going on this dark, foggy night?

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