Monday, December 19, 2011

0 - The Fool

The Fool

The Fool, wearing black embellished in colourful ruffles and bells, dances on the edge of a cliff. She is reveling in a particular moment in time, one where all possibilities exist, that brief moment when all choices seem available. There is potential and danger present; she is, after all, standing on a dangerous precipice. The cards, representing her choices, float around her. The bag attached to her staff is filled with everything she will need, no matter what she encounters. The light from her lantern illuminate and casts shadows. Her dog can give encouragement and warning, if needed. A raven perches on a sign, which she seems to ignore. She seems, to prefer a more random method or, perhaps, a more intuitive one to pick her path.

This card indicates being at a cross-roads. There are a variety of path you can choose, and the Fool suggests making an intuitive decision, even if it seems illogical. This is a moment of faith and trust, in yourself and in the Universe. Follow your heart and embrace whatever comes your way.

If reversed, this card warns of making a foolish decision. You may be so focused on the future or your dream that you ignore the danger signs right at your feet. Take the time to look around you, heeding signals that may help you make the right choice.

Use your intuition:

Which card will she pick, and how will she decide?

What does the sign say?

What does she carry in her bag?

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