Monday, December 19, 2011

II - The High Priestess

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a mysterious card and represents secret knowledge, both revealed and hidden. The banner behind her is hiding something, but the image of the tree with its fruits of knowledge hint at what lies behind. She holds a glowing fruit, a shining bit of wisdom, but we are uncertain of what it means. The moon at her feet and head show that this wisdom is shadowy and perhaps changing; it is best understood intuitively. In fact, intuition is vital to receiving the High Priestess' wisdom. The scroll on her lap promises explanation and understanding, if only she will share it. The black and white pillars are the negative and positive aspects of life. That the banner of knowledge hangs between them might suggest that usually the truth is neither black nor white, but lies somewhere in between.

This card is about knowledge that you need and that can be revealed. This knowledge is beyond logic. You must access and trust your intuition if you hope to understand it. Refrain from action for a while and instead take the time to search within yourself for the wisdom you need to move on. It could also mark the beginning of a personal spiritual journey. On mundane level, it suggests sharing knowledge and not keeping secrets.

If reversed, this card warns of knowledge withheld. You may be seeking something you are not meant to know. Perhaps someone is keeping something from you that you need to know. It could even be that you have knowledge that needs to remain a secret, at least for now.

Use your intuition:

On the banner, along with the tree, is a spiral staircase. Where does it lead and what does it mean?

On both pillars are figures holding something up. On the black one, the figure appears to be struggling, while on the white one the figure is standing gracefully upright. What does this signify?

What's behind the banner?

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