Thursday, December 29, 2011

VI - The Lovers

The Lovers

A man and a woman cling together as they float above the earth. Between them is a chalice with a sword in it and nearby is a rose. The rose and chalice represent the couple’s love, but the sword has separated them. Behind them are two trees. One tree has twelve flames indicating the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The other tree is none other than the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. A huge moon rises over the scene, representing a kind of guardian spirit. It’s a touching scene, but more representative than literal, for while this card may be about lovers, it can also be about other things. This card is mainly about choices. The man represents the conscious mind; the woman, the subconscious; and the moon, our higher self. We can choose with our mind or with our heart. Is it possible to choose with both or are they forever separated by the sword?

This card represents a choice to be made. More importantly, it represents different ways to make decisions. When this card comes up in a reading, you are being asked to consider carefully how you make the important decision before you. Do you follow your heart? Do you do what makes sense? This card suggests that there is a way to marry the head and heart so that wise, balanced decisions can be made.

If reversed, this card warns of making an unwise or unbalanced decision.

Use your intuition:

The trees represent the signs of the Zodiac and the Knowledge of Good and Evil. How do those ideas relate to the conscious and subconscious?

How did the sword come between the man and woman?

In traditional tarot decks, a guardian angel presides over the man and the woman. Here, we’ve used the moon instead. How does that change the card’s meaning?

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