Wednesday, December 21, 2011

III - The Empress

 The Empress

Sitting calmly on her throne, the Empress holds aloft a glowing wand in one hand, while the wheat sheaf other hand points towards the earth. In this way, she reminds us of the Magician. Like the Magician, the Empress is a card of creation. The emphasis here, though, is more passive and organic. The Empress’ creation is connected to the cycles of life and the seasons. For her, life begins, grows, and dies. She nurtures creation through all of those phases. She honours and respects both life and death, as they are really part of the same continuum. Unlike the Magician, who exerts control over his creation, the Empress lets the life cycle set the pace. The twelve stars in her crown represent the solar year and the field around her shows her concern with all growing things. She is the quintessential mother and is shown here pregnant.

This card shows a time for natural growth. Your role is to nurture without forcing or neglecting your project. Pay attention to where you are in the cycle of your project or situation and take the proper steps. There is great potential for abundance if care is given. This may require action on your part or it may require a time of waiting.

If reversed, this card can indicate a couple of things. First, there is the possibility of too much nurturing and a danger of smothering someone or something. Second, you may be trying to rush a situation, creation, or project. The advise here is to back off and let nature take its course.

Use your intuition:

The Empress, who is pregnant, is wearing black arm bands. What do they signify?

What is the building in the back ground?

Does the hunting eagle by the water signify life or death?

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