Tuesday, January 3, 2012

XVII - The Star

The Star

Moonlight dapples a tree and reveals an ibis, representing pure, focused thoughts, a quiet presence overlooking the scene unfolding on the riverbank below. A woman emerges from the river, reaching toward a butterfly – a symbol of transformation – that is just out of reach. On a jutting bit of rock, another bird observes. Overhead an eight-pointed star that represents the creative and regenerative energy of the Universe shines predominantly in the sky. In the background, barely visible, is a constellation of a pentacle. Here, the pentacle represents the five senses. Because the pentacle is dim, it indicates that reliance on the senses should be less at this time and, instead, focus on the regenerative energy of the Universe should be highlighted.

In the face of troubling events, the Star offers hope and guidance. As you emerge from troubled waters, you will find clear signs directing your path. Now is the time to stop focusing on what has happened in the past and look instead to the future. The Universe is offering refreshment; a transformation is at hand. You just need to reach out and take it. Even if the evidence of your senses indicates otherwise, focus only on the hope that is provided. Steer your actions by the light of the shining star and you will soon be on solid ground.

If reversed, this card suggests that signs from the Universe are being overlooked. Everyday events are distracting you from your true path.

Use your intuition:

There is an urn on the riverbank. Has the butterfly just emerged from it? If so, and are the implications?

A second bird sits nearby. What does it indicate?

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