Tuesday, January 3, 2012

XII - The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man

Two ravens watch as a woman hangs upside down, suspended between two living trees. Turbulent waters rush below her, but she appears perfectly at ease, almost as if she were meditating, and not suffering. This woman is hanging here voluntarily. It is easy to imagine that before assuming this position, she practiced fasting and other forms of physical denial in order to seek a spiritual experience. Her efforts are successful, as can be seen by the glowing radiance around her head. Hanging tranquilly between Earth and Sky, in a place between worlds, she is experiencing things that she will never forget and that will change her life. In this state, her day-to-day hopes, desires, and goals no longer seem important; her only focus is on spiritual enlightenment.

This card can represent, very simply, sacrifice. You may be asked to give up something for the sake of someone or something else. This card can also indicate the need for a change in thinking or a new point of view. Or it can be a more spiritual activity, one where you give up something of yourself to gain spiritual wisdom. It can also mean, almost literally, a time of suspension, a time where you should do nothing at all.

If reversed, this card suggests that you are being asked to make a sacrifice that is too big and potentially harmful to you. It also implies feeling confused – as though your world has been turned upside-down – thereby making you immobile, unable to take any action.

Use your intuition:

Why is the woman dressed as she is? What do the black gloves imply?

What exactly are the ravens doing there?

There are grapes growing on the left tree. What does that symbolize?

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